Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Tunnel Vision

Currently listening to: Mos Def Sex, Love & Money

Its been a crazy week. Been doing some hardcore retail therapy over the last few days. Was badly burnt when I fell asleep at the beach. Been preping surfaces falling into deep silences. Watching the moon. Had to have a few blood tests this morning. She filled seven vials with my deep vermillion blood. Drained both my arms until my hands went tingling and purple.

Amongst all this, the thing that really brought a true smile to my face over the last few days, as silly as it sounds, was reading my horoscope which pretty much has summed up alot of things going on in my life right now. Courtesy of Rob Breszny.

"A friend gave me a live rosebush in a planter for my birthday last June. After a few weeks, its five red flowers withered and turned brown but didn't fall off their stems. I left them there, perversely fascinated by the dead blooms that wouldn't let go. Months later, in late November, five new flowers blossomed, and now the bush displays a mix of the living and the dead. It sort of reminds me of you, Aquarius. But I suggest that you do what I haven't done yet: Start plucking off the dried-up old parts of your life today. Give the fresh parts more room to grow and shine. "